Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

Address Confidentiality

Address Confidentiality Program

A cost-free program that shields the addresses of individuals who fear for their safety.
Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

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Pledge for Accountability Against Gender-Based Violence


The New York State Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is pleased to announce that this valuable service is now available to victims of kidnapping and to reproductive health care services providers, employees, volunteers, patients, or immediate family members of reproductive health care services providers. 


Contact the Address Confidentiality Program

For assistance or questions about the program, call:


Address Confidentiality Program
Protect Yourself

If you are a victim of domestic violence, victim of stalking, victim of sexual offense, victim of human trafficking, victim of kidnapping or are a reproductive health care services provider, employee, volunteer, patient, or immediate family member of reproductive health care services provider, the NYS Address Confidentiality Program can assist you in shielding your address. 

How it Works

Once registered, participants are assigned a substitute address that they may use instead of their actual address.  All state and local agencies are required to accept the substitute address. Any mail sent to a participant at the substitute address is processed by ACP staff and forwarded on a daily basis to the confidential location of the participant.


The program is available to victims of domestic violence, stalking, sexual offense, kidnapping, and human trafficking who have moved or are planning to move for safety reasons.  

This program is also available to reproductive health care services providers, employees, volunteers, patients, or immediate family members of reproductive health care services providers. These individuals need not have relocated in order to be eligible for participation. 

Other members of the same household (children, partners, parents or siblings) are also eligible to participate.

Additional Information

Forms, Brochures and Reports