
The Code Enforcement Basic Training Program is administered by the Educational Services Unit. The Basic Training Program provides initial training and certification to individuals who wish to become a Certified Building Safety Inspector (BSI) or a Certified Code Enforcement Official (CEO).

Certified Building Safety Inspectors are those individuals who are certified pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1208 to perform fire safety and/or property maintenance inspections of existing buildings and structures.

Certified Code Enforcement Officials are those individuals who are certified pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 1208 to perform any code enforcement activity, including but not limited to:

  • review and/or approve plans incidental to the issuance of a building permit,
  • perform construction inspections, or
  • perform fire safety and/or property maintenance inspections of existing buildings and structures.

The Basic Training Program is provided through live webinars. A computer with reliable internet access and an adequate sound system (speakers or headphones) are required to complete the training.

To become a Certified Building Safety Inspector, you must successfully complete basic training Courses 9A, 9B and 9C. To become a Certified Code Enforcement Official, you must successfully complete all six basic training courses Certification as a Code Enforcement Official requires the successful completion of all six courses (9A through 9F). The training must be completed within the shorter of:

  • One year of the appointment date of the CEO or
  • Six months of the appointment date of the BSI or
  • One year of the date that the CEO attended their first training course (six months for BSI).

Additionally, 19 NYCRR Part 1208 allows the Department of State to accept nationally recognized certifications as approved by the Secretary, or their designee, and after successful completion of the New York State Code Enforcement Principles and Practice Exam, in lieu of completing the basic training program. Any individuals currently holding a national certification or individuals interested in this alternative certification process should complete the Principles and Practice Exam application below.

Click here to access the Principles and Practice Exam Application.

Please refer to 19 NYCRR 1208-3.2 for more information on the Code Enforcement Basic Training Program.

Application and Schedule

Click the Application and Schedule button below to view the training schedule and apply for enrollment into the Code Enforcement Basic Training Program.

Students who are enrolled into the program will receive a confirmation email from Department of State staff. This email will contain the program syllabus. Students must read the syllabus and register for the training webinars using the links provided in the syllabus.


Application and schedule

Training Materials

To complete your training you will need: 

  • A hand-held calculator
  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Uniform and Energy Code Books

Basic Training Program: Course Material and Resources 
Students in the Basic Training Program (BTP) are required to use the 2020 NYS Codes to complete the training.  Students may use either the paper bound books, PDF versions of the books, or the online versions.  The free online versions of the codes may be obtained by clicking on the links below. Students using the online versions  are strongly encouraged to briefly review the 2020 Building Code of New York State (2020 BCNYS) prior to attending Course 9B.  This is necessary to become familiar with the layout of the website.

The complete code collection may be obtained by clicking here. Students are strongly encouraged to bookmark this link on your internet browser.  These codes are needed for not only completing the BTP, but for performing code enforcement activities as well.

In addition to the code books, students will be required to use course appendices and building plans to complete the BTP.  Course workbooks, which students may find very beneficial, are also provided.  Below is the full list of course material and resources.  These documents may be accessed by clicking on the links below.

Students must download and familiarize themselves with the above documents prior to attending the first day of the 9A course. Students are strongly encouraged to print the course appendices, workbooks, and building plans prior to attending 9A. To help ensure that the 9E and 9F Plan Sets are readable, they should not be printed on paper smaller than 11x17. 

In addition to the above resources, students also have access to recorded lectures.  Students may find it helpful to watch these videos prior to attending each course.  Students may also find it helpful to review these videos when completing homework assignments.  Students completing Verification Exams will be required to use these videos to complete the exams.

Note to Code Enforcers:
The course workbooks, appendices, building plans, videos, and other material used in the BTP are for educational purposes only and are not to be used for code enforcement purposes. Code enforcers must reference codes, laws, and regulations for the exact construction and enforcement requirements, and reference training programs, Technical Bulletins, and other resources for guidance on how to navigate, understand, and apply the codes.

Building Safety Inspector

Students who wish to become a Certified Building Safety Inspector must submit an application after they successfully complete Basic Training Courses 9A, 9B, and 9C.

Apply Here

Contact Division of Building Standards and Codes

Ronald Stark, Assistant Director for Educational Services


Contact us by email: