Building Safety Inspectors (BSI) and Code Enforcement Officials (CEO) are required to complete annual In-Service training to maintain an active certification. Failure to complete the annual training requirements will result in an inactive certification. Individuals with an inactive certification cannot perform any enforcement activities. Performing an enforcement activity with an inactive certification may result in penalties prescribed by 19 NYCRR 1208-6.
According to 19 NYCRR 1208-1.2(h), enforcement activities include but are not limited to:
- fire safety and/or property maintenance inspections of existing buildings and structures;
- review and/or approval of plans incidental to the issuance of a permit for the construction or alteration of buildings and structures; and
- construction inspections performed during and/or upon completion of the construction or alteration of buildings and structures.
Building Safety Inspectors:
The annual In-Service training requirements for BSIs is as follows:
- 6 hours of In-Service training is required each calendar year (January 1 to December 31).
- Of these 6 hours, at least 3 hours must be obtained by completing training courses that are approved by the Department of State, Division of Building Standards and Codes (DBSC) in Topic 1, Code Enforcement and Administration (19 NYCRR 1208-3.3(b)(1)).
- A maximum of 3 hours of Professional Development Electives may be applied toward the 6 hours of annual In-Service training.
Code Enforcement Officials:
The annual In-Service training requirements for CEOs is as follows:
- 24 hours of In-Service training is required each calendar year (January 1 to December 31).
- 12 of these hours must be obtained by completing training courses that are approved by the Department of State, Division of Building Standards and Codes (DBSC).
- Of the 12 hours of approved courses:
- at least 3 hours must be obtained in Topic 1, Code Enforcement and Administration (19 NYCRR 1208-3.3(b)(1));
- at least 3 hours must be obtained in Topic 2, Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR 1208-3.3(c)(1)); and
- at least 3 hours must be obtained in Topic 3, Energy Conservation Construction Code (19 NYCRR 1208-3.3(c)(2)).
- A maximum of 12 hours of Professional Development Electives may be applied toward the 24 hours of annual In-Service training.
Professional Development Electives
Professional Development Electives (PDE) are courses whose subject matter advances the professional development of an individual BSI or CEO. PDEs include, but are not limited to, courses in the following topics:
- Zoning
- Writing skills
- Planning
- Time management
- Ethics
- Records management
- Management
- Media relations
- Communications
- Computer skills
- Hazards
- *Other topics
*Other topics are those that contribute to the professional development of a CEO or BSI. The determination of whether or not a course will contribute to the professional development of an individual is left to the CEO or BSI taking the course.
The following will NOT be accepted as a PDE:
- meetings, roundtable discussions, work experience, and prerecorded videos, and
- courses where the attendance is not recorded and maintained by the course sponsor.
Individuals applying PDE courses toward their annual In-Service training requirement must:
- Submit a PDE application form at the end of each year to the DBSC. The form may be obtained by clicking here.
- Provide sufficient documentation to prove that the course was completed, if requested by the DBSC. Failure to submit sufficient documentation shall result in forfeiture of the In-Service training credit.
- Maintain the following documentation, as applicable to the PDE course, for at least 3 years from the completion date of the course:
- Title of the course
- Sponsor’s name
- Description of course
- Attendance verification
- Number of contact hours completed
- Date of the Course
- Certificate of completion issued by the sponsor
- Location of the course
Courses that are taken as a PDE can only be credited toward the annual In-service training for the calendar year in which the PDE was taken.
Credit cannot be granted for attending the same course more than once a calendar year, regardless of whether it was an approved course or a PDE.
Online Trainings
Approved Online Courses
The following courses have been approved for annual In-Service training credit. Unapproved online classes may be used toward Professional Development Electives.
- Division of Building Standards and Codes courses provided through the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS)
- Simpson Strong-Tie
Webinar Trainings
Self-Study Online Trainings
Self-study classes require learners to review certain sections or chapters of one or more code books. After completing the review, learners must complete a short exam. Participants must get a certain percentage of questions correct to successfully complete the class. There is no time limit for completing the exam and learners may take a self-study class as many times as necessary to pass. The subject matter covered in a self-study class is largely based on the material that is addressed in the corresponding SLMS class that bears a similar name. For example:
- Safeguards During Construction, 1-hr in Topic 2 (SLMS class)
- Self-Study: Safeguards During Construction, 1-hr in Topic 2 (Self-study class)
Learners are encouraged, but not required, to take the SLMS class before attempting the complementary self-study class.
Below is the list of available self-study classes. Each class is approved for 1-hr of In-Service training. Click on the links below to access the classes.
Topic 1 - Code Enforcement and Administration
Topic 2 - Uniform Code
Topic 3 - Energy Code
Active Code Official Certifications
Conference & Seminar Trainings
In-Service Programs offer continuing education opportunities on code-related topics. These programs are supported by the Educational Services Unit, and MAY qualify for in-service credits. Registration for any of the listed special programs should be made directly with the sponsoring organization or contact indicated on the program listing. Some programs are accredited by other associations, such as the American Institute of Architects. Applicants are urged to check each listing for accreditations.
Click on the following link to view the training events sponsored by the various New York State Building Officials Conference (NYSBOC) Chapters: https://www.nysboc.net/.
Click on the following link to view energy training sponsored by NYSERDA: https://psdconsulting.com/ny-energycode/. This training is free to Certified Building Safety Inspectors and Certified Code Enforcement Officials.
Accepted Certifications in Lieu of Training
The following International Code Council (ICC) certifications will be accepted as equivalent to 8 hours of in-service training.
The required in-service training will be credited only for the calendar year in which the certification is obtained.
Periodic Code Update (Advanced in-service) Training is mandatory and cannot be waived.
Upon being notified by the ICC of having successfully completed an examination, the following information and documentation must be submitted to the New York State Department of State BSC Educational Services Unit within 30 days:
- Full Name
- Address
- Phone Number with Area Code
- New York State Training ID Number
- FDID/Municipal Code Number (if available)
- ICC Certificate/Notification
Category | Exam Title |
Green Building | Green Building - Residential Examiner - G1 |
Residential Inspector | Residential Building Inspector - B1 Residential Electrical Inspector - E1 Residential Mechanical Inspector - M1 Residential Plumbing Inspector - P1 |
Commercial Inspector | Commercial Building Inspector - B2 Commercial Electrical Inspector - E2 Commercial Mechanical Inspector - M2 Commercial Plumbing Inspector - P2 |
Plans Examiner | Building Plans Examiner - B3 Electrical Plans Examiner - E3 Mechanical Plans Examiner - M3 Plumbing Plans Examiner - P3 Residential Plans Examiner - R3 |
Energy Conservation | Commercial Energy Inspector - 77 Commercial Energy Plans Examiner - 78 Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner - 79 |
Fire | Fire Inspector I - 66 Fire Inspector II - 67 Fire Plans Examiner - F3 |
Code Enforcement | Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner - 21 Coastal and Floodplain Construction Inspector - C1 Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector - 64 |
Special Inspector | Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector - 47 Structural Masonry Special Inspector - 84 Spray-applied Fireproofing Special Inspector - 86 Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector - 92 Soils Special Inspector - EC Structural Steel and Bolting Special Inspector - S1 Structural Welding Special Inspector - S2 |
Advanced In-Service
The Department of State occasionally requires Certified Building Safety Inspectors (BSIs) and Certified Code Enforcement Officials (CEOs) to receive Advanced In-Service training. This training typically relates to amendments to the Uniform Code or Energy Code, changes in law, or other matters that necessitates specific training. The requirement for Advanced In-Service training is established by 19 NYCRR 1208-3.4.
The New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council recently adopted an updated version of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the “Uniform Code”). The Department of State is requiring Advanced In-Service training on this updated code to ensure that the code enforcement community understands how to apply it. This mandatory training also addresses certain code requirements that relate to identifying and addressing structures unfit for human occupancy. Some of these requirements are new, whereas others existed in the past version of the Uniform Code. BSIs and CEOs must complete the Advanced In-Service training by December 31, 2020.
The Advanced In-Service training requirements are as follows:
- BSIs must successfully complete 3-hrs of training as specified below:
- 2020 Advanced In-Service – Part 1, Course #49-0125, 2-hrs Topic 1
- 2020 Advanced In-Service Exam, Course #49-0127, 1-hr Topic 1
- CEOs must successfully complete 5-hrs of training as specified below:
- 2020 Advanced In-Service – Part 1, Course #49-0125, 2-hrs Topic 1
- 2020 Advanced In-Service – Part 2, Course #49-0126, 2-hrs Topic 2
- 2020 Advanced In-Service Exam, Course #49-0127, 1-hr Topic 1
The 2020 Advanced In-Service courses (#49-0125 and #49-0126) will be provided at code enforcement conferences during 2020. Click here for the 2020 conference training schedule. These courses will also be available online through the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS). The Division of Building Standards and Codes (DBSC) will email those BSIs and CEOs who subscribe to the Division’s mailing list and notify them when the online courses are available. The DBSC will also post this information on its website.
The 2020 Advanced In-Service Exam (Course #49-0127) is an online exam that will cover material contained in Chapter 1 of the 2020 Fire Code of New York State. BSIs and CEOs will be permitted to use the code books (electronic or printed version) when taking the exam. Individuals may take the exam as many times as they need to pass. The exam will be available on SLMS prior to May 12, 2020. The DBSC will email those BSIs and CEOs who subscribe to the Division’s mailing list and notify them when the exam will available. The DBSC will also post this information on its website.
Click here to access the webpage to subscribe to the Division’s mailing list.
If you are looking to get approval for an In-Service training course or looking to renewing a previously approved In-Service training course, you must complete the related form in its entirety and submit it the Division of Building Standards and Codes.
Contact Contact Service Training
Ronald Stark, Assistant Director for Educational Services