Cosmetology Reciprocity

Listing of states that share reciprocity with New York State.

An applicant for reciprocity in New York must be currently licensed from a state on the list, and in some instances, must have one or more years of licensure in order to qualify.

Applicants must submit the following:

  1. Certification from the cosmetology board where currently licensed
  2. Completed cosmetology application and $40 application fee.

Where indicated below: Two (2) Experience Statements (DOS-1543) must be submitted (one each from two different people) attesting that the applicant has been working as a cosmetologist for the specified number of years.

Reciprocity States Minimum Qualification
Alaska Current Licensure
Arizona 1 Year (Current)
Colorado 5 Years & Current Licensure
Idaho 3 Years & Current Licensure
Louisiana Current Licensure
Maine Current Licensure
Massachusetts 2 Years & Current Licensure
(must submit 2 experience statements)
Minnesota 2 Years & Current Licensure
Mississippi Current Licensure
Missouri 5 Years & Current Licensure
Montana 4 Years & Current Licensure
Nevada Current Licensure
North Carolina Current Licensure
North Dakota 1 Year & Current Licensure
Oklahoma Current Licensure
Pennsylvania 2 Years & Current Licensure
(must submit 2 experience statements)
South Dakota Current Licensure
Tennessee 2 Years & Current Licensure
Vermont 2 Years & Current Licensure
Virginia Current Licensure
Washington, DC 5 Years & Current Licensure