New York State’s approach to managing waterfront areas recognizes that while State government can promote development and provide protection for critical resources and environments, municipalities are in the best position to determine their own waterfront objectives and to adapt to statewide approaches to specific local needs. Thus, the Department of State encourages waterfront communities prepare Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs. By preparing an LWRP, community stakeholders have the opportunity to evaluate local waterfront resources, develop goals and a comprehensive strategy for the best use of those resources, proposed future projects, and adopt a local program that will guide appropriate development
The LWRP must plan for long term land and water uses and specify the legal techniques for implementation. Local regulations should be designed to implement a clear overall concept of how the community's waterfront should be used. Generally, the regulations must:
- Assure that new waterfront development is well designed and sited.
- Provide for public access to the water.
- Prevent the displacement of essential water dependent uses (recreational, commercial and industrial) by uses which do not require a waterfront location, particularly residential and retail uses.
- Bring land use regulations into better conformity with the objectives of State regulations for the protection of natural areas.
- Assure that new development is designed to reduce impacts from the natural forces of flooding, erosion and rising water levels.