E-Filing for Rule Making Notices



  • NON-E-filed rule makings (hard copy submissions) 5:00 p.m. every Tuesday
  •  E-filed rule makings 11:59 p.m. every Tuesday

How to Complete, Validate and Save a Form

State Agencies will continue to access the PDF forms from the Division of Administrative Rules’ webpage on the Department of State’s website.  However, users now will be able to save a completed, a partially completed or a blank form to their desktop or local area network.  At any time during the form filling process, users will be able to save, reopen and continue working on the form.

In addition to the new Save feature, the forms contain drop down menus and built-in logic which will require the user to validate each form to ensure that all required fields and/or checkboxes have been populated.

Note: When filing any Adoption (including Emergencies), attach a scanned copy of your signed certification prepared on agency letterhead in pdf format plus the full text of the rule (with bracketing and underlining if needed) in Word format. 

Note: Incorporation by reference materials still need to be submitted in hard copy.


Software Requirements:

Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 is required.  This is a free download from the Adobe Acrobat website (http://www.adobe.com)


Complete, Validate and Save a Form:

To complete, validate and save a form, users will perform the following steps.  At any point during the form filling process, users may attach required file(s) to the form.  See "Attach a File to the Form" below.

  1. Using the tab key or mouse pointer, the user will navigate to the various form fields, drop down menus and/or checkboxes and populate them accordingly.
  2. At any point during the form filling process, the user may select the File > Save or File > Save As from the menu option of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.  The user should name the file (form) as the 3-letter agency code followed by a point then the type of notice (prop, adopt, emerg, ep, etc.) followed by a point then the Part number being amended. If there is more than one Part use the first one. For example, DOS.emerg.1103.  The user can also exit the Adobe Acrobat Reader application at any time.
    The user can complete the form at a future time by opening the form and continue populating the fields and checkboxes.
  3. At any point during the form filling process, the user can click on the Validate button at the top of each page of the form to assess the completeness of the required fields.

If all required fields and/or attachments have been completed, when the user clicks on the Validate button, the form validation process will change the status of UNVERIFIED to VERIFIED.

If one or more of the required fields and/or attachments have not been completed, when the user clicks on the Validate button, the validation process will display a Validation Errors dialog box which lists the section(s) of the form that require population.      

The required sections that have not been properly populated will display with red highlighting.  The user will need to click on the OK button in the dialog box in order to populate the form. The user needs to populate the highlighted fields and checkboxes and revalidate the form until the UNVERIFIED status is changed to VERIFIED. 

  1. At any point during the form filling process, the user can select the Reset Form button found on the last page of the form.  The Reset Form button clears all populated fields and checkboxes and deletes any attachments.

When the user clicks on the Reset Form button, a warning dialog box will appear.  Clicking on the OK button clears the form of the populated data and attachments; clicking on the Cancel button cancels the “reset” functionality and retains all the populated data and attachment(s).


Attaching a File to the Form
  1. If a field or checkbox that requires an attachment is populated, a yellow paper clip symbol will automatically appear in the left margin of the form.
  2. Click on the yellow paper clip symbol. The Select a data file to import dialog box displays.  Navigate to the area on your desktop or local server on which the appropriate attachment for submission is stored. PLEASE NOTE: When attaching files, be sure that the file extension is not capitalized. All extensions (example, .doc, .wpd) need to be lower case.
  3. Select the appropriate file and click on the Open button in the dialog box.
    Note:  This is Adobe Acrobat Reader functionality.  Clicking on the Open button will not open your file; rather it will attach the file to the form and close the dialog box.
  4. The user can view and add attachments to the form at anytime during the form filling process by clicking on the paper clip symbol that appears in the gray area in the left margin of the screen.


Submitting a Completed PDF Form to the Data Capture System

Accessing Thomson West’s Data Capture System

Once an agency has completed and validated a form, the form is ready for uploading to Thomson West’s Data Capture System. Each user has been assigned their own unique username and password to access the Content Portal. These usernames and passwords are sent to the user when the user’s account is created.  In the event a password is forgotten, a link is available to reset and assign a new password.

From your desktop, open Internet Explorer and insert the following url: https://contentportal.thomsonreuters.com/sign-in

Note: A rule making is not filed with the Division of Administrative Rules until a Notice of Acceptance e-mail is received by the filer.

Files can be uploaded two ways: either drag and drop files in the box or browse for files by clicking the link and navigating to select the files to upload.  Then confirm that the correct files are listed or click the X to the right of the filename to remove any unwanted files. When you are done, click Next.

Note: Only rule making forms should be uploaded to the Content Portal.  All supporting documents should be attached to the PDF file and should not uploaded separately.  Uploading non-form material may cause your file to be rejected by the system and not processed.

The status will be “Waiting’ until you click the Upload File(s) button. To continue, click Upload File and the status will change to In Progress.  When the files have completed loading, the status will change to Success if the upload was successful or the status will be Failed if any items did not load.

If you need to retry loading the document: Locate the unsuccessful document and click Retry in the Action Column or click the Retry Failed Files button to retry all failed documents.

If some documents were successful in this session while other documents failed, click Done to upload the successful documents and then continue troubleshooting the failed documents.

If all files successfully loaded, click Done. The file(s) have now been delivered to Thomson Reuters.  After clicking Done, you will be returned to the Uploads Home Page. If you have more files to upload, repeat the steps described above. If you are done, click Sign Out on the left and close your browser.



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