
Risk reduction measures encompass a variety of non-structural, soft-structural, and structural techniques. Non-structural measures, including avoidance of the hazard through land use considerations, are the preferred approach and should be the first course of action to minimize risk.   

Shoreline treatments such as living shorelines techniques, natural feature restoration, beach nourishment, or a structural approach may be appropriate depending on the upland use, local considerations and the characteristics of a site.   

Selecting an appropriate strategy or project depends on a number of factors, such as level of risk, community priorities, costs, benefits, and feasibility. Often, a combined approach that incorporates a variety of measures will provide more resilience benefits and an extra margin of safety should one measure fail. An adaptive implementation process incorporates flexibility into long-term risk management by allowing for changes in community priorities, available information, and the nature of the risk. 

Taking Action

Model Local Laws to Increase Resilience 

Model laws to help communities be more resilient to sea level rise, storm surge & flooding. 

Resilience Implementation and Strategic Enhancements (RISE) Local Assessment Tool 

Assessment tool to help communities identify gaps & opportunities in plans & policies.  

Climate Smart Communities Program 

NYS best practices for reducing greenhouse gas emissions & adapting to climate change.  

Green Infrastructure 

Site design techniques & structural practices used for managing stormwater.  

Floodplain Management 

NYS DEC bureau that reviews proposed local floodplain laws for NFIP compatibility. 

Achieving Hazard-Resilient Coastal and Waterfront Smart Growth 

Strategies for creating environmentally & economically sustainable neighborhoods.