Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark

Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark


The registration of a trademark or service mark is effective for a term of ten years from the date of registration and, upon Application for Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark filed within six months prior to the expiration of such term, the registration may be renewed for a like term from the end of the expiring term.

Statutory Provisions


$50 filing fee for each classification claimed for registration.

Personal Checks, Postal Money Orders and Cashier's Checks are accepted.  Make checks payable to the NYS Department of State.  Checks over $500 must be certified.

Common Denial Reasons

  • Insufficient information
  • Incorrect information
  • Incorrect fees
  • Same or similar mark already filed


The duration of Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark is 10 Years.

Federal Registration

Federal registration may be obtained by contacting the United States Patent and Trademark Office at 800-786-9199.

How to File

  1. File an Application for Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark within six months prior to the expiration. 
  2. The application must be on a current form supplied by the Department of State and be completed in the English language and plainly written or typed. If the mark or any part thereof is not in the English language, it must be accompanied by a sworn, notarized, translation.
  3. The application must be accompanied by a specimen (example) showing actual use of the mark.  Please do not include any actual goods with your  application. Note that specimens may not be larger than 8.5” x 11”.
  4. Please mail the completed Application for Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark together with the filing fee and a specimen of the mark to:
    1. New York State Department of State, State Records, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12231-0001.

Contact Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code

Contact the Division of Corporations, State Records, and Uniform Commercial Code

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