Searches are currently available for the following types of licenses/registrations: *
- Alarm Installer
- Apartment Information Vendor
- Apartment Sharing Agent
- Appraisal Management Company
- Armored Car Carrier
- Armored Car Guard
- Athlete Agents
- Bail Enforcement Agent
- Bedding
- Central Dispatch Facility
- Document Destruction Contractor
- Document Destruction Contractor Branch Office
- Hearing Aid Dispenser
- Hearing Aid Dispenser Business
- Home Inspection
- Private Investigator
- Proprietary Employer Of Security Guards
- Real Estate Appraiser
- Right of Publicity
- Security Guard
- Telemarketer Business
- Ticket Reseller
Searches are limited to active licenses only. You may search as follows:
- By ID Number (Unique ID or Registration Number)
- By Name (last name, first name and optionally city/zip code/county)
- By Business Name (business name and optionally city/zip code/county)