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ALERT: Reminder for Licensed Ticket Resellers

Important Notice:
Delay in mailing of postcard renewal reminders

Please be advised there is a delay in the mailing of renewal reminder postcards affecting Appearance Enhancement and Notary licensees who expire in late September 2024 and after.

As the licensee, you are responsible for keeping track of your license expiration date and renewing on time. Your license expiration date is printed on your license or ID card. You are eligible to renew your license 90 days prior to expiration.

To access your account and handle your renewal, please click the link below:

Appearance Enhancement license: Renew or Update Appearance Enhancement Business License | Department of State (

Notary license: Renew or Update Notary Public License | Department of State (

Department of Motor Vehicles Letter Dated 07/17/2024 Regarding Non-Driver ID Cards

Non-resident security guard, real estate, private investigator, or watch guard or patrol agency licensees who have been issued photo ID cards by our office may have received a letter from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) dated 07/17/2024 regarding a non-driver ID issued to you. Please be advised, this letter does not impact the license issued by the Department of State and will not prevent future photo IDs from being issued by our office. You must respond to the letter from DMV as directed.

Customer Service Center & Remote Notarization

The Binghamton, Buffalo, and Hauppauge Customer Service Centers will be closed until further notice. Licensing examinations will continue to be held as scheduled.

see updates

License Types

Services include witnessing the signing of important documents, taking affidavits and depositions and giving oaths.
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File a Complaint

Should a member of the public believe that a licensee has acted in an untrustworthy or incompetent manner, they may file a complaint with the Department's Division of Licensing Services.

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