Town of Bethlehem Local Waterfront Revitalization Program

Counties Served
Town of Bethlehem Local Waterfront Revitalization Program


The Town of Bethlehem Local Waterfront Revitalization Program consists of a locally prepared comprehensive land and water use plan for the Town's natural, public, and developed waterfront resources along the Hudson River, Normans Kill, Vloman Kill, and Binnen Kill, and associated local laws and regulations that help the town implement its approved LWRP.

The Town of Bethlehem LWRP provides a comprehensive framework within which critical waterfront issues can be addressed, and planned waterfront improvement projects can be pursued and implemented. The approval history of the incorporation of the approved Town of Bethlehem LWRP into the New York State Coastal Management Program can be found in the final public notice published in the New York State Register on April 6, 2022.

A link for the full Town of Bethlehem LWRP document may be found below.