Management of Floodplain Development


When floodplains are altered, the ability of floodplains to absorb floodwaters and reduce risk from a flood is diminished. Development within a floodplain can make flooding and flood damage more severe and extensive. Nearly all municipalities in New York have flood damage prevention laws which are a critical component of reducing municipal risk from damaging floods, and a critical requirement that must be met to qualify municipalities for the National Flood Insurance Program. 

Laws that govern the use, siting, design, construction, and maintenance practices in floodplain areas can complement flood damage prevention laws and help manage floodplain development and to limit damage from flooding. 

The chapter is available as a PDF and as a Word document for easy editing and adaption to local needs. Download PDF of Management of Floodplain Development Chapter (61 pages). 

Part A

4. Management of Floodplain Development 

4.1 Limit Development in 100-Year or 500-Year Floodplain 

4.2 Floodplain and Wetland Resource Conservation Overlay District 

4.3.1 County Administration of Flood Damage Prevention Law 

4.3.2 Establishing a Design Flood Elevation

Part B

4.3.3 Compensatory Storage 

4.3.4 Repetitive Damage 

4.3.5 Cumulative Substantial Improvement 

4.3.6 Protection of Critical Facilities 

4.3.7 Areas Behind Levees or Below High Hazard Dams 

4.3.8 Dry Land Access 

4.4 State Model Flood Damage Prevention Laws