Outreach, Education, and Stewardship

Students Seining

Outreach, Education, and Stewardship

Estuary health relies heavily on public support, stewardship, & understanding of estuary issues.

Outreach, Education, and Stewardship

The waters of the estuary are home to a broad array of plants, animals, and unique habitats that collectively form an ecosystem of ecologic, economic and social significance. While factors such as demographics, geology and ecology may vary throughout the Reserve, each part of the Reserve is related to and contributes to the health of the estuary as a whole. The health of the estuary and its important resources relies heavily upon the public’s understanding of issues facing the estuary and public support and involvement. Greater public involvement and stewardship can be garnered through outreach and education about the Reserve as a holistic unit.  

Outreach, Education and Stewardship opportunities addressed in the CMP include: 

  • Formal Education 
  • Informal Education