
The Department of State Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Program provides communities with guidance, expertise, and competitive financial assistance to develop plans for revitalization of neighborhoods or areas affected by brownfields or economic distress. Completed plans are known as BOA Nomination Plans.  

Planning grants are provided to municipalities or community-based organizations through the competitive NYS Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process. Communities that have undertaken significant planning or have the capacity to complete a Nomination plan without State funding can also submit plans to the State for BOA Designation and other benefits. 

Development of BOA Plans

The BOA Nomination Plan is an in-depth analysis of existing conditions and redevelopment opportunities,  for brownfield sites and surrounding areas. These plans are developed in partnership with  a local advisory committee, community stakeholders, the broader public, NYS DOS, and consultants.  

Key aspects of the  planning process include:   

  • Establishing a stakeholder advisory committee 
  • Developing and implementing a public participation plan 
  • Defining a vision and setting goals 
  • Analyzing  existing conditions 
  • Evaluating contamination issues and clean-up options 
  • Identifying strategic sites for redevelopment 
  • Framing implementation strategies to advance redevelopment and clean-up 
  • Providing recommendations for public and private investment and other initiatives to support revitalization 
  • Establishing key partnerships   

BOA Designation

Upon completion of a BOA Nomination Plan, communities are encouraged to apply for BOA Designation by the Secretary of State. This designation unlocks additional funding and technical assistance opportunities to begin the redevelopment process, and signals a commitment by the State and community to collaboratively meet redevelopment goals. There are currently 57 Designated BOAs across New York State.  

Guidance Documents