Is your community concerned about sensitive environmental areas like stream corridors, steep and erosion-prone ridges, or large forests that offer refuges for wildlife? Conservation overlays are...
This report quantifies the types of basic land use and regulatory tools--including zoning, site plan review, subdivision regulations, and written comprehensive plans--used by the 1,544...
This handbook is an authoritative source of information about the origins and operations of the Empire State, including a brief history and overview of federal...
This document provides guidance to municipalities in the preparation of local laws or ordinances so that they do not impact farming activities that are conducted...
This guide is a collaborative project of the Departments of State and Environmental Conservation. It sets forth a simple, step-by-step process for preparing a local...
This pamphlet, produced by the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Adirondack Program, will help municipalities in the Adirondacks and in other rural areas consider wildlife in developing...