South Shore Estuary Reserve Plan Implementation


Since the approval of the original Comprehensive Management Plan in 2001, state, federal, and local programs have provided more than $650 million in funding for close to 450 projects to assist implementation.  Over $97 million has been spent on water quality improvement projects, $260 million on living resources, $44 million on public use and enjoyment, $250 million on estuary economy, and over $3 million in education and outreach projects.  

Learn about different implementation projects by exploring past implementation status reports.

Program Office

Program staff participate in important field work organized by partner organizations, including the New York Horseshoe Crab Monitoring Network, a joint effort of the NYSDEC and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, and Seatuck Environmental Association’s annual River Herring Survey. The data collected through these monitoring programs is vital for the management of important species in the Reserve and helps to inform decision-making related to the conservation of these species.   In addition, program staff participate in various environmental education programs including the A Day in the Life of an Estuary program, as well as deliver environmental education programs to local schools and summer camps. Additionally, the program funded fifteen projects that contributed to the implementation of the CMP. 

Current Projects

Current Long Island South Shore Estuary Reserve Local Assistance Grant Program-funded projects: 

  • Corey Beach Alternative Sanitary System 
  • Maple Avenue Boat Ramp Stormwater Mitigation 
  • Brookhaven SSER Eelgrass Restoration 
  • Shirley Beach Alternative Sanitary System 
  • Waterfront Park Kayak Launch 
  • SSER Marine Debris Reduction Initiative 
  • Middle & East Bay Access to South Shore Blueway 
  • Hempstead Bay Living Shorelines 
  • Transfer of Trace Elements through the Estuarine Food Web in SSER 
  • Community Oyster Restoration Effort 
  • Survey of Diamond Back Terrapins within Town of Hempstead 
  • Salt Marsh Inundation Trends Baseline 
  • Mechanical Harvest of Trapa natans-Water Chestnut in Massapequa Lake 
  • Patchogue River Stormwater Outfall Silt Sifters Installation 

Partner Projects

Some of the many projects being implemented by program partners: 

Suffolk County Subwatershed Plan 

The Suffolk County Subwatershed Plan provides a comprehensive analysis of nitrogen pollution for waterways in the county and includes a path for how to improve water quality through wastewater upgrades and other nitrogen pollution mitigation strategies.  

Shellfish Initiative 

Governor Cuomo’s shellfish initiative launched in 2017 with goals of cleaning out coastal waterways, strengthening the regional economy and creating jobs.  

Bay Park Conveyance Project 

The Bay Park Conveyance Project will convey treated water from the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant to the Cedar Creek Water Pollution Control Plant ocean outfall pipe. This will eliminate an average of 50 million gallons per day of treated water from Reynolds Channel and reduce nitrogen loads into the estuary.